Elmira Developmental Support Corporation

Elmira Intentional Housing

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The Elmira Developmental Support Corporation (EDSC), incorporated in 2003, is a not-for-profit corporation “dedicated to the development of supportive affordable housing and facilities incidental thereto” for persons with an intellectual disability in and around the Townships of Woolwich, Wellesley and Mapleton Townships.” Its OBJECTS additionally include the creation of housing for “others without an intellectual disability but who create community within the housing complex through the development of relationships and the provision of companionship to people with intellectual disabilities.” The Elmira Developmental Support Corporation is committed to the “promotion of inclusion for persons with an intellectual disability and to further maintain a high quality standard of support for persons supported by Elmira District Community Living (EDCL).“

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In the late 90’s the Elmira District Community Living surveyed its families with elderly parents whose children still lived at home. This was done to ascertain when parents would want residential support for their family member. It was EDCL’s intent to plan for support requests, avoid crisis response for residential support and continue to be responsive and relevant to its membership. Strategies were put in place to address this issue. During the time of the survey it became apparent that EDCL was supporting a number of individuals residentially who were of senior’s age and/or whose health was deteriorating. It was clear that the changes in support demands would no longer permit EDCL to support these individuals without undue financial hardship. EDCL at that time had no 24/7 residential homes. Individuals went out to day program Monday to Friday. We were at a crossroads if we did not shift our support menu to include 24/7care inclusive of palliative care, persons supported by us for the majority of their adult life would need to move to LONG TERM CARE. Further conversation was held with the Membership and Board of EDCL. It became apparent that the expectation of the membership and the Board of Directors was to maintain the persons it supported residentially lifelong. Parents and family whose children were supported by EDCL residentially desired the peace of mind that comes with knowing where and how their family member would be supported after they were gone.

Several residential options were considered to maintain support to individuals lifelong. It was decided that the Association would undertake the development of its own facility, that would provide Long Term Care up to and including the provision of end of life supports. A support and business plan was developed that addressed the operation and cost of construction of an appropriate facility and other related financial matters.

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The Business Model

It was decided to develop a separate Not for Profit Corporation that would own and function as the landlord of the property. This was done to protect the investment of EDCL financial resources in the construction of what would become known as The Assisted Living Centre.

It was estimated at the time of construction that the cost of the proposed building would be approximately 2.3 million dollars. The Association had 1.7 million dollars invested that it could put towards the cost of construction. The NOT FOR PROFIT HOUSING CORPORATION, the Elmira Developmental Support Corporation (EDSC), was incorporated in 2003 and the Assisted Living Center opened in 2005.

The business model that was developed provided EDCL the ability to recoup its investment through EDSC rent revenue paid by EDSC against the mortgage held by EDCL. If the Association retained ownership of the Assisted Living Center, The Ministry of Community and Social Services funding contract would require that all rent revenues be deducted from Ministry subsidies. The Association would lose its investment if it was the owner and any opportunity to leverage rental revenues after operating costs against future undertakings. In order for EDCL to continue to benefit from its investment in the building of the Assisted Living Center it was decided to create a separate housing corporation that would own the new Assisted Living Centre. The Association would loan the money to the Housing Corporation and hold the mortgage on the property. The Housing Corporation would return an agreed to amount of its revenues after operating costs back to the Association, as payment towards the mortgage. This was the genesis of the Elmira Developmental Support Corporation.

Since the opening of the Assisted Living Center (2005), Snow Goose (2010) and the Field of Dreams (2018) the Housing Corporation (EDSC) has paid back 1.3 million dollars against the mortgage as of 2021.

Contact EDCL for more information regarding the Business Model – CLICK HERE

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Board and Membership Structure

The EDSC Board has 5 Directors and is supported by its Executive Director. Membership in the newly formed NOT FOR PROFIT CORPORATION has been restricted, in the main, to past Board Members of EDCL who have served a minimum of 1 three year term on the Board of EDCL. The total Board Membership or up to 4/5ths of the Board is comprised of past and current EDCL Board Members. The Board at its discretion can appoint one person to the five member Board from the community. The Board is generally comprised of 3 Past EDCL Board Members and 2 Sitting Board Members of EDCL.

The Board and Membership of EDSC is structured in a way that protects and maintains the relationship between the two corporations. It was a concern that the profitability of the housing corporation could lead to outside interest and membership within the corporation. This could result in a change in mission of the organization (EDSC), loss of revenues to EDCL and an interest in capital assets once the mortgage was repaid. In short the loss of this asset to the persons and families they (EDCL) serve.

More information about our Board Members – CLICK HERE

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Beyond The Assisted Living Centre

In 2004 the Ministry of Community and Social Services undertook a review of the Developmental Services Sector and enacted the Services to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with a Developmental Disability Act (Social Inclusion Act) in 2005.

Two of the most noteworthy statements made in this new legislation included the move away from block funding of programs and a shift to funding the individual, affording them choice and control of the services they would purchase. Supports and Service Provision would become a consumer driven model as opposed to a program funded model. The second significant statement was that the Ministry was moving away from the provision of housing and challenged service providers to look at new models and partners to create relevant housing in their community. These two outcomes of this legislative document was the catalyst for the supportive affordable housing model that has been created by The Elmira Developmental Support Corporation and its partner the Elmira District Community Living. This legislation also resulted in a commitment to the principle that Government can’t be all things to all people and that if NOT FOR PROFITS were to remain relevant to its constituents/community it needed to add a component of self-reliance and self-sustainability to its operating arsenal.

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The Snow Goose Takes Flight

In 2008 a response to the challenge of the Social Inclusion Act was put forward to the Boards of EDSC and EDCL. It called for the development of an Apartment Complex that would eventually become known as Snow Goose, located at 75 Snow Goose Crescent in Elmira. The proposal included a continued partnership with EDCL as a capital investor and a new capital partner, the Region of Waterloo. The Region of Waterloo would ultimately provide 360k towards the construction and the Elmira District Community Living provided the balance of the 960k cost of development.

The support model was based on a concept that is now generally known as Intentional Community. It was also based on the six principles of support that include; the abilities of the individual, support of family and friends, community based support, use of technology, the “good friends and neighbour/intentional community” and paid staff supports provided by the tenant. Staffing supports are not attached to the building. The concept of the “good friends and neighbours”, developed by the Elmira Developmental Support Corporation addresses issues of loneliness and isolation and safety and security. The “good friends and neighbour” are a tenant in the apartment complex along with the other tenants in the building with an intellectual disability. The “good friends and neighbours” do not perform the functions of a paid staff. Through the creation of community within the complex and by virtue of their presence in the building they provide a social safety net for the other tenants.

Apart from the availability of affordable housing the two biggest obstacles for a person with a disability to succeed on their own are safety and security and loneliness. Parents typically will not permit their children to leave home if they feel their child will be at risk and alone and lonely. Families have described the addition of the “good friend and neighbour” element and the related social safety net provided as “permission to let go.” The first good neighbours would be students from Renison Universtiy College. A scholarship program was created with the University of Waterloo/Renison University College. Two students would live at the Snow Goose four-plex, rent free and receive a full tuition scholarship in exchange for being a “good friend and neighbour” to the other tenants living there. This relationship created the fourth and final partner in our intentional community undertaking Renison University College/University of Waterloo The proposal was accepted by the Region of Waterloo and construction commenced in the summer of 2009 and the tenants occupied the apartment complex in May of 2010.

More information about The Communities – CLICK HERE

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A Crossroads - We Become A Developer

In 2010 the Elmira District Community Living acquired a piece of property in a new sub-division development in Elmira and gifted the property to the Elmira Developmental Support Corporation. The property was zoned multi-residential in the sub-division plan and subsequently EDSC proposed that 4 seven unit apartment buildings would be developed on the property, an expanded concept of the Snow Goose undertaking. This intentional community would be a blended housing development including a higher ratio of “good neighbours” to persons supported, that included a student on scholarship and other community members. The neighbour profiles apart from a student on scholarship would include seniors, single parent families, new Canadians, women escaping violence, young individuals starting out in life etc, all individuals who have need of safe affordable housing and meaningful community. In short persons who would be committed to living in an intentional community in the capacity of a “good neighbour”. This undertaking saw the development of the final partnerships, Stephen Menich and Mary Ellen Cullen and Wilfrid Laurier University. A scholarship with the Masters Faculty of Social Work at Wilfrid Laurier University was created by Steve Menich and Mary Ellen Cullen. The Masters Student would be a “good neighbour” within the Field of Dreams Housing Community in exchange for a 10k scholarship towards their school costs, rent free accommodation including all utilities and laundry and internet. Part time employment and full time hours available in the summer months would be available throughout the scholarship. Students are required to live there 12 months of the year for the duration of the scholarship. The scholarship year commences on May 1st of each year.

The commitment to become a Developer and build the Field of Dreams was a milestone in the evolution of the Housing Corporation. It was estimated that the cost to complete the project would be approximately 4.3 million dollars. We had learned from our experience with the Region of Waterloo that only a portion of the cost of construction would be provided. We also did not want all of the units built subject to the loan agreement with The Region of Waterloo. All units in the new construction that were included in the funding agreement would be subject to tenant selection from the Regional Wait List. We needed to retain ownership of some of the units for autonomy in the selection of the “good neighbours”.

Additionally, the Elmira District Community Living was broke. The funding of the Assisted Living Center, the building of Snow Goose and now with its commitment to the construction of the first apartment building of the Field of Dreams had/would seriously deplete their reserve funds. Its future fundraising would need to be retained for its own interests. It was time for the Elmira Developmental Support Corporation to stand on its own two feet. It was evident at that point in time that a fundraising campaign would need to become part of our strategy to complete the development and establish a separate identity for fundraising and other considerations.

We needed to finish the Housing Complex project nearly or debt-free to ensure the ongoing operating sustainability of the Corporation. Substantial debt servicing would affect our ability to put aside revenues for future building, operating and maintenance issues and ongoing administrative support costs. This was the genesis of the Field of Dreams Story and Brand. It marked the Corporations first significant step in developing an identity separate from that of the Elmira District Community Living. The Snow Goose Project and the first building of the Field of Dreams Apartment Complex would be used to build a business case. It was believed that this would demonstrate the viability and benefit of our housing model, that it would be attractive to larger corporate donors and philanthropists in the wider Waterloo Region. We did not want to compete with the traditional donors of Community Living and so a new donor base had to be developed.

A proposal was submitted to the Region of Waterloo in the winter of 2013 and construction of the first apartment building commenced in March of 2014. The estimated cost of infrastructure and construction for the development was 1.3 million. The Region provided 760k, the Association provided 240k and the resources of EDSC provided the balance of the cost. The tenants occupied the building in November of 2014 and the project was completed debt free. It was decided at this juncture that we would skip round two of the Regions call for proposals for the creation of affordable housing to develop a strategy for what would become known as the the Field of Dreams Intentional Housing Community.

Planning for the remaining three buildings commenced and it was determined that the second build would mark the independence of EDSC from EDCL financially for the balance of the project (the remaining 3 builds). A fund raising campaign was developed that put the name of the the Elmira Developmental Support Corporation in the forefront and a goal of 700k was determined for the next build. In the winter of 2015 our proposal was approved by the Region of Waterloo for 360k. The goal of 740k represented the balance of the projected cost of the second build at 1.1 million dollars. The construction was completed in October of 2016 and tenants occupied in November of 2016. The project was completed debt free and the fundraising target was exceeded, the final amount of cash donations and in-kind donations were just shy of 750k.

In the winter of 2017 a third proposal was submitted to the Region of Waterloo for the building of the third 7 unit apartment building. It was approved and EDSC received 760k towards the estimated cost of construction of 1.1 million dollars. The balance of the cost of construction was borne by EDSC. Construction commenced in late April of 2017 and tenants moved in by the fall of 2017. The construction of the final or fourth 7 unit apartment building was completed in 2019. The second phase of the fundraising campaign plus the sale of assets and reserve capital of EDSC over the remaining two buildings allowed the Elmira Developmental Support Corporation to finish the project debt free.

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Mission & Principles

The previously discussed Objects of the Elmira Developmental Support Corporation include the creation of supportive affordable housing for persons with an intellectual disability and the support of the broader undertakings of the Elmira District Community Living. However, not often discussed or referenced are the guiding principles of the not for profit corporation. Those principles include the addressing of philosophical/institutional issues as they relate to the building and operating of housing for persons with an intellectual disability. Additionally, an ongoing commitment to the deeper understanding of and development of intentional community and a willingness to share our experience with others who are interested in exploring or implementing intentional community. Finally, two cornerstones of the operating model that we have adopted include a commitment to social entrepreneurship and the creation of social capital.

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Do No Harm

The Community Living Movement was a grass roots family driven initiative that moved from community to community across Ontario in the late 50’s and early 60s. It eventually morphed over the ensuing decades into what it is today. The founding initiatives included the creation of schools for children with an intellectual disability and then workshops for children ageing out of school. In the early 70’s you began to see the development of community based residential supports starting with the building of “core residences” and then group homes and eventually apartment or supported independent living. It eventually included the return of adults from Institutions back to their community of origin or the community in general. The last Institution closed in 2009. The Institution has been the Arch-nemesis of the Community Living Movement since its inception. It is little wonder that community based supports and services developed must pass the litmus test of “non-replication of the institutional model”. No segment of Developmental Services is more heavily critiqued than community developed residential constructs.

The Assisted Living Center, Snow Goose and the Field of Dreams have had their share of detractors and supporters. Throughout the development of these residential supports the partnership of the Elmira Developmental Support Corporation and the Elmira District Community Living has adhered to the guiding principle, “DO NO HARM”. One could argue that the key factors that identify or label a residential/housing construct as institutional is not bricks and mortar or density of a particular grouping of people, persons with an intellectual disability or seniors as examples, but rather the balance of power in the relationships that the people who live there experience. Other markers that define home from institution include the choice to live there, freedom of movement and association and who is the decision maker in the individual’s home/residence, whether it will be in their apartment or their bedroom, their kitchen or their dining hall or their living room or their common room. The right to and ability to self-determine in the activities of daily living are key elements in distinguishing the difference between Institutional Living and Community Living.

The question that should be asked is when will a person be recognized as a citizen with the same rights as everyone? Is it a bricks and mortar issue? Is it when a number of people of an identifiable group, such as a senior person or a person with an intellectual disability, live in a way that is defined by a person in charge or by the profession that speaks on their behalf, or when they live their life in a way that is self-determined? Choice, freedom of movement and association and a personal economy that allows one to exercise these rights are key determining factors in a move towards citizenship and the rights that it affords. The labeling of a housing construct is not necessarily a bricks and mortar issue, nor is it exclusively a density or a proximity to others who share a society imposed label, whether it is intellectually based, based on financial status, age related or cultural. It is the right to self-determination that is the prime characteristic of citizenship.

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Social Entrepreneurship

The Elmira Developmental Support Corporation believes that government can never be all things to all people and that in order to more fully meet the needs of its community it should operate in a fashion that is less dependent on government and self-sustaining in its business model for operation. “Social Entrepreneurship is defined as the use of techniques and methods to develop, fund and implement solutions to social, cultural and environmental issues. For-profit entrepreneurs usually measure performance using business metrics such as profit, revenues and increase in stock prices. Social entrepreneurs measure performance in a positive return to society.” In the case of EDSC we would add the element of self-sustainability in the day to day operating costs of the corporation, in other words greater self-reliance and independence from government assistance, oversite and influence on decision making.

The two sources of EDSC operating revenue come from rents and donations. The business model is structured such that the revenues from the rents are sufficient to manage the ongoing cost of the operation of the corporation including administrative costs, the day to day operation of its facilities and offerings, maintenance and minor capital replacement costs related to operations and properties on an ongoing basis as they age. It is estimated that at the time of completion of the Field of Dreams Project the gross revenues of the Corporation will be in the neighbourhood in excess of 340k annually. The net revenues annually should be conservatively in the neighbourhood of 30% to 40% of gross revenues. Although all the scholarships are privately funded through a donor at this time, there is no dependence on donations built into the operating business plan.

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Social Capital

Social Capital is defined as a “form of economic and cultural capital in which social networks are central transactions that are marked by reciprocity, trust and co-operation and market agents produce goods and services not mainly for themselves, but for a common good.” Simply defined it is the creation of a broader community benefit in addition to the core mission of the organization.

In the case of EDSC certainly the development of housing for persons with an intellectual disability is an element of the creation of social capital. In addition, the development of the “good neighbour’ concept and the relationships created has had a broader community benefit than the original intended mission of affordable supportive housing for individuals with an intellectual disability. The investment in the scholarship program and assisting young people in their education in the social service field is a greater benefit to the community and to the broader Developmental Sector. Subsequently, New Canadian Families, Single Parent Families, Women Escaping Violence and even young striking out entrepreneurs have benefitted from being a good neighbour and the intentional community and affordable housing. The experience garnered by the student’s and others involved in the “good neighbour” undertaking will make them lifelong ambassadors for individuals with an intellectual disability. It could be described more commonly as “Paying It Forward”.

The incorporation of these principles, social entrepreneurship and social capital and their related activities has created a not-for-profit entity with a greater capacity for public interest and support of the corporation. It was, we believe, the major reason for the success of the fundraising campaign. There will always be people willing to help and donate to a particular cause. When you add a larger benefit to the original elements of an undertaking, as in this case the creation of housing for persons with an intellectual disability, the benefit to students and other community members, the element of self-sustainability and independence of government, a greater donor base is created and donors receive a broader benefit for their investment in the project.

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Summary Contents

The core issues that define the values of EDSC have been previously addressed but the why of how we got here hasn’t been discussed. Simply it was borne from necessity, people and their ageing families needed supportive housing alternatives in addition to the existing stock of housing, both private market value and not for profit affordable. The conventional wisdom of the developmental sector related to acceptable, non-institutional housing constructs was effectively causing the sector to sit on its hands. We had sunk to the bottom of the lake with “a philosophical millstone around our necks.”

It has been said in the hallowed halls of Community Living that sometimes it is better to do nothing. Sometimes conventional wisdom needs to be challenged and risks have to be taken and even failure has to happen if moving forward is to occur. We chose not to say no to our 70 year old parents with their 40 year old child living at home and a waiting list of 20 years or more. We were not prepared to say our hands are tied. Something had to be better than nothing and time was not unlimited and families were and are in crisis every day.

Research needs to be done and comparisons of various housing constructs need to be made. They need to be evaluated and compared using a common tool that looks at issues such as choice and control and self-determination. Right now the institutional lens of density and proximity is the primary tool being applied. It is a barrier to innovation that is achievable in today’s economic and political climate.

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Accomplishments Of Note

  • The Partnerships created have responded to the Ministry challenge laid down with the enactment of The Social Inclusion Act, new housing constructs and new partnerships and congruence with Individualized/Passports Funding. The Partnerships include: the Elmira Developmental Support Corporation, the Elmira District Community Living, the Region of Waterloo, Renison University College/University of Waterloo, Menich Family Foundation, The Masters of Social Work Faculty/Wilfrid Laurier University
  • Since its inception in 2003 until 2018, in 15 years, the Elmira Developmental Support Corporation with its partners the Elmira District Community Living and the Region of Waterloo have created 50 residential spaces. Since 1975 to its last Group Home built in 2008, in 33 years, the Elmira District Community Living has built with its partner the Ministry of Community and Social Services 46 residential spaces.
  • The housing that has been created by EDSC and the ongoing operation and maintenance of its properties has been at no cost to the Developmental Sectors traditional funder the Ministry of Community and Social Services/Government of Ontario/Taxpayer. With the exception of the funding from the Region of Waterloo (30%) housing valued conservatively at 7.6 million dollars has been created. The ongoing maintenance and management of those properties has been and will continue to be at no cost to Government and the taxpayer. Imagine the capital outlay to build the properties operated by EDCL and funded by Government and the money spent and that will be spent on those properties over time in upkeep and management.
  • The partnership of EDSC/EDCL and The Region of Waterloo as of 2018 when the Field of Dreams Project was completed, have invested in affordable housing stock 7.6 million dollars inclusive of the land value of the Field of Dreams Project. The project was completed free of any bank debt or loans to a private investor or sector.
  • The investment in the housing created to date is as follows. The partnership of EDSC/EDCL has provided 5.3 million dollars and the Region of Waterloo has contributed 2.3 million dollars.
  • The EDSC has established its own brand independent of EDCL and is now financially independent of EDCL in the development of new housing since 2017.
  • Since its inception EDSC has paid back against the mortgage as of March of 2021 1.3 million dollars to the EDCL. That original investment of 1.7 million dollars has been leveraged into 7.6 million dollars of housing, while continuing to service its debt to the EDCL and continues to be self -sustaining in its business operations.
  • In 2004 when EDCL loaned the money to EDSC it was generating annually approximately 70k per year on its investments. Imagine the return on that money today if it was still invested and what would our community look like if we had not taken the road that we did. Today EDSC is paying annually 60k to EDCL and has continued to build and build debt free. The rate of return on the EDCL investment is similar today to what it enjoyed in a time of 5% and 7% interest rates. This revenue stream is a safety feature that would replace the average fundraising enjoyed from the Quilt Auction should it ever cease or should the fundraising resource of the Maple Syrup Festival cease or be reduced.
  • Since the building of the Assisted Living Center, no individual supported by EDCL has had to leave the supports of EDCL as they have aged or health care issues have changed. To date 20 individuals have been supported in end of life care. The experience gained at the ALC has influenced the operations of Reid Woods. A similar 24/7 support model has been developed there including end of life supports.
  • During the closure initiative of the final Institutions in Ontario, the Assisted Living Center was used as an example by the Ministry of Community and Social Services that assisted in the initial movement of individuals from the Institutions. A group of families through court action put a halt on the closure initiative. Several of those families and the key family blocking the closure toured the Assisted Living Center and ultimately their children moved to Elmira even though their families were from Toronto and Ottawa areas. Those families are now staunch supporters of the Community Living experience and Elmira District Community Living and their family members are supported by Elmira District Community Living. The tours of the ALC and the other properties and dialogue with EDCL staff broke the log jam of placements back to the community in Orillia. The Assisted Living Center was the catalyst for all of this.
  • Since the creation of the scholarship program with Renison University College/University of Waterloo, 9 students have received the benefit of the scholarship program. To date 6 of the 7 students who were recipients of the Good Neighbour Scholarship have completed the Masters of Social Work Program. The two incumbents plan to do their Master’s Degree in Social Work.
  • The Undergraduate Scholarship Program with Renison University College/University of Waterloo has provided 120k towards the tuition of 9 students over the past decade. Inclusive of the housing benefit and related housing costs, heat, hydro, cable internet etc, the total scholarship contribution to the students of the past 10 years is approximately 400k.
  • The Masters of Social Work Scholarship with The University of Waterloo Masters of Social Work Faculty is in its 6th year and to date has provided 60k dollars towards the education of the students. The value of the housing component of the scholarship is estimated at another 75k. Total value of the scholarship is approximately 135k
  • A significant number of the students who have or who are participating in the scholarship program work or have continued to work in the Developmental Sector
  • 1 graduate continues to live in the housing we have created, as a “good neighbour” and will soon celebrate a decade as a “good neighbour”
  • 3 individuals living in the housing are employed by EDSC part time to maintain the properties, grass cutting, snow removal and cleaning. All individuals are paid minimum wage or better for their responsibilities.
  • The endeavours of the EDSC and EDCL Corporations have served as an inspiration to countless groups, provincially, nationally and internationally. Supportive Affordable Housing has been declared a crisis in this Province and in Canada. The foresight of the Boards and its staff have created an environment of available housing that is in sync with the demands of its community and is providing housing beyond Elmira to others living in the Waterloo Region.
  • Perhaps the greatest achievement is the ability to serve the Elmira Community and although supporting the needs of government, independent to a greater degree from its influence and interference. A more balanced and constructive partnership between Government and the Not for Profit Sector, their customer and the tax payer.


See more of EDCL In The Press – CLICK HERE

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Future Directions

The Elmira Developmental Support Corporation as of the operating year commencing April 2021 has no plans for the development of more affordable housing. Since its creation in 2003 it has rarely not been in a “building mode”. It has always been a challenge to separate the business operations of its existing properties without the impact of the cost of new construction. The next few years should be occupied with consolidating its operating model, its related costs and future directions. The following bullet points represent some of these undertakings that will be considered and addressed. In short defining the future direction of EDSC and what it can afford. They are listed in no particular order of importance.

  • “ To build or not to build, whether it is nobler to suffer the trials and tribulations of outrageous debt servicing, that is the question.”
  • Consolidation of the business/operating model of the Housing Corporation
  • Support of research into affordable supportive housing, either for its own purposes or generally.
  • Investment of money into our housing communities to support activities that create community, inclusion and address issues of loneliness
  • Consolidate the operations of EDSC created since 2005 and further define its partnerships, its operation model and refine its operating budget and finalize its path to sustainability
  • Develop a broader understanding of the role of the Good Neighbour and Intentional Community
  • Future housing development plan – independent development or partnerships


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